Brexit: What can we learn?

We recently witnessed a referendum in Britain. The question: Should Britain remain in the EU? Britains voted to leave.

Now, there are all sorts of arguments with regard to trade and the economy etc that have been raised and continue to be raised. Here, I am not concerned with these; rather, I am more concerned about the two very telling issues that need to be addressed.

  1. A Country Divided:

The most noticeable aspect of the this referendum was that it was a closely run thing. The end result was 52% to 48%. This I see as a major problem.

Whilst I firmly believe that, if we are to operate as a democracy, the majority vote must hold sway — My caveat is and always has been that democratic votes are only valid if God’s word does not speak to an issue — the reality is that sometimes that sadly lacking commodity of our day, wisdom, must be allowed to speak.

As a young man, I grew up in a congregation that was deeply divided. At one point, the call of a new minister saw a number of votes taken that were passed by a mere few percent. Those who won crowed, but the living reality is that the congregation in question is today a mere shadow of its former self and it is struggling for survival.

Such close numbers means that there is going to be a divide and that divide will be exploited for all kinds of reasons. In fact, we have already begun to see this process. In 2014 the Scots held a referendum as to whether or not they should remain as part of Britain. The decision was that Scotland should stay. Now, as a result of the Brexit referendum, the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, is threatening to use this vote as an excuse to leave the UK.

This is little more than political expediency, exploitation, and prostitution at its worst. Of course, you will be flabbergasted to learn that the First Minister has always been a supporter of Scottish independence! So, what we have, in reality, is one situation being exploited to gain a desired outcome that was not achieved via a referendum. The obvious question then becomes, “Given this division, who else will seek to exploit it?”

Hence, maybe it would be wiser and thereby in the better interest of the nation for those in power to cease crowing and “pushing their own barrows” and set about looking after their people. The result cannot be undone, but wisdom and compassion can be applied to the implementation of the result.

2. The Death of Democracy:

Flowing on from our first major illustration, we are led to the conclusion that democracy is in its death throws the world over. Politicians talk this language, but their seething detestation at certain results belies the fact that they are angry that their agenda has been derailed.

Whilst it is true, for example, that Scotland’s remain vote was 62%, the reality is that Scotland was not voting in and for itself. Scotland was voting as part of the UK and it is that overall vote that counts.

To put this in context, here in Australia, in regard to Federal politics, Labor hardly wins a seat in Western Australia. Would this mean that a victorious Federal Labor government would expect the Western Australians to vote to leave the Commonwealth. Of course not. The vote is known to be that of all States and Territories.

Sadly, the posturing of the Scottish First Minister, shows all too clearly that modern politicians do not respect the will of the people in these so-called democratic nations and that they will use democratic results to enforce their personal agendas. Such truths are made manifest by the attitude of many in the EU who did not rejoice that a democratic result had been achieved and respected in the UK.

To this we could add the resignation of British Prime Minister, David Cameron. Whether or not he wanted to remain in the EU means absolutely nothing. The point is simple: The people were given a voice and they spoke. To resign and thereby hand over any future difficulties to another is to act as the spoiled brat who, using a combination of metaphors, throws his lollies on the floor the takes his bat and ball and heads home!

I believe the appropriate descriptor for this attitude would be “Tyranny”!