On Being “Born That Way”

Unfortunately, the issue of homosexuality and homosexual union still dominates in the media. Each new day brings a new claim aimed at justifying the homosexuals and their various demands. Of late, one of these claims has been that homosexuals are born that way. In short, the claim is made that a homosexual cannot be anything other than homosexual because of a genetic predisposition over which they have no control.

So let’s wade in to this debate with a couple of short comments.

1. Man is said to be born with a problem, according to Scripture. However, the problem is Spiritual not genetic. Man is born in sin. Man is estranged from God and needs to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.

This is the only defect with which Man is born that the Bible acknowledges.

Equally, Man is also born with the knowledge of God and His law inscribed upon His heart. Marred as it may be through sin, it is nonetheless a constant testimony to the individual conscience of right and wrong. It is a constant voice that imperfectly directs unto God.

Therefore, homosexuality is an indulging of the sinful nature in direct contradiction to all that the individual knows to be right. At this point, the homosexual is no different to the murderer, paedophile, or thief. Each transgresses God’s law written on their heart, revealed in Creation, and proclaimed through His word.

Man is born a sinner. He is not born a murderer, paedophile, thief, or homosexual. These are all choices made by the individual.

2. The absurdity of the claim that homosexuals are born is also apparent when we look at the realm of homosexuals. It only takes one to change or to be in some degree different for this particular house of cards to come crashing down.

Let me present such a one. Stephen Fry is well known to most. He is a self-confessed homosexual. However, he also confesses to being only 90% gay. Says he, “I am only “90 per cent gay”, which is of course pretty damned gay, but every now and again on my path through life I have met a woman in the ten per cent bracket.”[1]

If this be correct, then apparently homosexuals are not only “born that way”, but they are “born that way” to varying degrees. So, the question is this, “At what percentage do you stop being a homosexual and become a heterosexual with funny urges?” Maybe we should ask, “Is it possible to be born with lots of 10%?” Could a person be 10% paedophile, 10% homosexual, 10% bestial, 10% heterosexual, and so on?” Then, I am also intrigued to ask, “Can a person be 10% celibate?”

The “born that way” argument is just one more vain attempt to justify rebellion against God’s command and Image. It is a futile argument that should be apparent to anyone who cares to stop and think. The obvious import is this, “If homosexuals are born that way, then what other “deviance” must now be excused because they too are the victim of what amounts to a genetic prank?”