Of Kiddie Fiddlers, the Church, and the State

This week, Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a Royal Commission into institutional child abuse.

As one can imagine, this announcement has set the cat amongst the pigeons. Long term advocates have been quick to vocalise the words “about time!” Representatives of the Congregation of Rome are trying to put on a brave face, but are Stoic in there denial that such a review is really necessary.

As Christians, “What should our reaction be to this announcement?”

My perfectly honest response is, first, a sense of shame, followed by the caution, “Be afraid! Be very afraid!”

The Kiddie Fiddlers:

Let me begin by absolutely denouncing true child abuse and especially sexual predation. I realise I do not speak for Christendom here, but it is to be said that this issue is directly attributable to the rejection of God’s Law as our only standard within the universal Church in general and certain denominations in particular.

God’s word is abundantly clear:

Orphans = Exodus 22:22-24 – “You shall not afflict any widow or orphan. “If you afflict him at all, and if he does cry out to Me, I will surely hear his cry; and My anger will be kindled, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless.”

Could this be any clearer? God is here speaking to His own people. Yahweh declares that He Himself will avenge the oppressed and humbled orphan. One could not be more ‘oppressed’ or ‘humbled’ than to be sexually violated by a / the person charged with one’s care. One could not be more oppressed than to be the victim of a cover-up in such heinous circumstances.

Kidnapping = Deuteronomy 24:7 – “If a man is caught kidnapping any of his countrymen of the sons of Israel, and he deals with him violently, or sells him, then that thief shall die; so you shall purge the evil from among you.”

Again, we face some very specific details. The crime is literally that of “stealing the life/soul of a brother”. In using these terms, Moses is showing that “kidnapping”, as we call it, is not limited to children. It is a law governing and protecting all people. God values freedom. God created man to live freely under Him and His rule. Therefore, God proscribes the theft of that freedom. The added guilt is that of ‘pawning’ and ‘dealing roughly’ with or as a ‘tyrant’ would. By definition “kidnapping” or “man stealing” is to steal someone’s freedom and innocence. Those who have been, first, entrusted to an institution, and, second, maltreated by that institution, have most definitely had something very precious stolen from them.

This text tells us that the item stolen is nothing less than the life or the soul. This is not to be equated with murder. It is rather to be understood as stealing from a person a God given quality in and of life. The person is given this as a gift by God and they are entrusted with its care, nurture, and appropriate use. Like life, sexuality is both deeply personal and deeply spiritual (1 Corinthians 6:15-20). God gifts it to the individual with expectation that it be used appropriately. People are to be sexually active, but they are also to be sexually responsible. This gift, like life itself, is to be used for God’s glory and in accordance with God’s specific direction. It belongs to the individual. No one else has right and title to that gift. No one is allowed to steal it. When a person, especially a child, is broken into and robbed of such innate gifts, it is, in essence, soul destroying.

Nothing is probably more soul destroying to a minor than to be raped – to be broken into and pillaged by a brigand and a knave. In and of itself, rape is theft and something the Bible condemns (Deuteronomy 22:25-27). However, we must also see that the predominant deviancy is homosexuality. When it comes to the accusations against the Roman denomination and of institutions in general, it is not heterosexual, but rather homosexual behaviour that comes to the fore. Scripture is again vociferous on this issue. Leviticus 18:22 proscribes homosexuality with death. Paul condemns this behaviour in Romans chapter 1. The Apostle shows homosexuality to be the ultimate act of idolatry. It is a state of being that is not only under God’s judgement but also that which results from God’s judgement. Elsewhere, Paul states that the Kingdom of God is closed to such people (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

Thus, when you examine the Biblical messages on these topics, it is to be understood that any truly Christian institution would never cover up or condone such crimes, let alone allow them to continue. The fact that some organisations, claiming to be Christian, have carried on this practice is shameful and abhorrent and is to be rightfully condemned. Jesus Christ would never condone or sanction such activity within His Church. True Christianity has and always will denounce such behaviour.

The Church:

In discussing this issue, it is fundamentally important that we note and understand some very relevant points.

First, I am tired of the Roman denomination always being labelled as “the Church”. Rome has not been “the Church” for six hundred years. Since the time of the Reformation, at the very least, the Roman denomination has been a part of the Church, but she has not been the Church. This misclassification is conveniently misunderstood by governments and popular media alike.

Two, the reason the Reformers packed their bags and left Rome, or in some cases were invited to leave, was precisely because the Roman denomination had become a self-serving rather than a Christ-serving institution.

Three, the reason the Roman denomination declined so radically was attributable in full to their refusal to live under the absolute authority of Scripture. (Yes, there is a massive lesson here for today’s Protestantism!) Whilst it is acknowledged that “the Church” is rightly the interpreter of Scripture, we must also acknowledge the wisdom of the Westminster Divines when they say: “The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture itself: and therefore, when there is a question about the true and full sense of any Scripture (which is not manifold, but one), it must be searched and known by other places that speak more clearly (WCF 1:9).” That is to say, that every interpreter has a hermeneutical proposition. The Church is the interpreter. The hermeneutic is Scripture. This, Rome abandoned.

Four, the culmination of these points created a denomination that a) encouraged wrong, actively and passively, by its failure to comply with the ethical dictates of Scripture; and b) sought, at all costs, to cover up any gross sin; thereby saving face and allowing it to act, in a self-deluding manner, as society’s moral compass.

It is this fourth point that is at the heart of the current predicament. The Roman denomination has made itself into target because it has been seen to cover up very wicked behaviour whilst insisting that it has the right to tell people how they should live. Again, I am not saying that the evil should be covered to allow the pretence to continue. Rather, I am saying that had the Romanists dealt openly and appropriately with sin, more people might respect that denomination – and Jesus Christ – and be more willing to give ear to what they say.

Of equal importance, harking back to point one, it is time that Protestantism shook this concept that the Roman denomination is “the Church”. That there is still some intrinsic belief to that end can be seen by two obvious and shameful facts:

A) It is disturbing that there are elements within Protestantism that are in dialogue with Rome in the hope to bring about some reunion. (I must admit that as a Reformer, one side effect of the Reformation that I dislike is the constant splitting and dividing of the Church. Personally, I would love to see the concept of the “one” Church reappear. The benefits would be great. However, I equally acknowledge that any such reunion must be made a) on Biblical grounds and b) in the true fellowship that is Jesus Christ. Anything else is little more than a mixture of two like minded clubs.) The issue here is, “How do we seek to unite with a denomination that is so hypocritical, unethical, and Christ dishonouring?” Would Protestants, in general, strike up a dialogue with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Mormons, or the Branch Davidians? Not likely. So why would we try to enter into a true dialogue with denominations that are humanistic and who ultimately show a great disregard for Jesus and His teaching?

B) That Protestantism has not made a clean break in its thinking is witnessed by its general silence on the matter of institutional abuse. I am generally disappointed in this day with the lack of public voice from the Protestant churches. Divided though that voice it may be, it would still be nice to hear it! The institutional abuse of children should be one topic where the voice is heard, loudly and clearly! Why is it not?

Yes, Protestants broke with the Roman denomination. Yes, there is, in some circles, little love lost because of Rome’s persecutions. The question remains, however, “Why did not Protestantism honour her Christ by publicly joining the campaign for evil to be exposed and dealt with?” The answer is, I believe, twofold. First, we are still psychologically beholding to Rome in some way and have therefore failed to step out from her shadow. Second, and most pointedly, we have failed because modern day Protestantism has generally lost her prophetic voice because she is following in Rome’s footsteps.

The Roman denomination committed one fundamental sin; she betrayed Jesus Christ. She did this by denying the authority of the written Word, which is but a testament of the Living word, Jesus. When this happened, she appointed herself judge of all ethical matters and executioner of all histories that may expose her treachery. My brother had an interaction with a Romanist who was critical of Martin Luther because ‘he left’ Romanism rather than reform it. What a statement. Martin Luther did not want to leave Rome. He wanted to reform her. Martin Luther was persecuted by Rome and forced to leave. How is it then that a modern day Romanist believes such things that are contrary to history? It comes back to face saving! It comes back to exalting the institution above the One who formed the institution. It comes back to a “Bride” who proves unfaithful to her Husband!

The questions for Protestantism are these, “Why are we allowing our denominations to become self-serving rather than Christ-serving institutions?” “Why are we abandoning the authority of God’s word for psychology and sociology?” “Why are we accepting an anthropology based on the perspective of fallen humans rather than on a statements of a Thrice holy God?”

The further question is, “Does Protestantism’s silence on institutional abuse suggest that, as with Rome, she has begun to cover up her own “dirty” laundry?” “Has Protestantism begun to truly dishonour Jesus Christ by once again joining in practices that He would condemn?”

This brings us to the crux of the matter – the Glory and honour of God in Jesus Christ! Does the Church today treasure the honour and glory of God or does She pander to the whims and dictates of the world?

Let us hear from the Westminster Divines again, Chapter 25:

4.        This catholic [meaning “universal”] Church hath been sometimes more, sometimes less visible. And particular Churches, which are members thereof, are more or less pure, according as the doctrine of the Gospel is taught and embraced, ordinances administered, and public worship performed more or less purely in them.

5.        The purest Churches under heaven are subject both to mixture and error; and some have so degenerated as to become no Churches of Christ, but synagogues of Satan. Nevertheless, there shall be always a Church on earth to worship God according to His will.

Jesus Christ is about to be dragged through the mud because the Church has allowed herself to decline into a state of near anarchy. Those parts of the Church that have become more akin to “synagogues of Satan” have not been openly rebuked by the more pure. Here, we are not speaking of ‘one upmanship’ or ‘ecclesiastical bragging rights’, but of true righteousness. The Church was given the authority to discipline and this power is rightly wielded against the Church Herself, not just individuals within the Church. The end of discipline has but two purposes; the restoration of the sinner and the purity of Christ’s bride, the Church. These can be distilled to one purpose: The glory and Honour of God Almighty in Jesus Christ.

When denominations stray from God’s Word, they should be rebuked and called to repentance. They should not be allowed to sully Jesus Christ or His bride. Every effort should be made to bring them back to the truth. If they are unwilling, then they should be cut loose and denounced as not, in any way, belonging to Christ.

Some may see this as harsh. Yes, it is. However, it is nothing more than the extension of principles laid down in Scripture. Are their dangers? Yes, there are. Undoubtedly, some, full of pride, will commit themselves to pronouncing anathemas upon the slightest infraction. This notwithstanding, the resultant position would be better than the current circumstances where Christ is dragged through the mud and dishonoured. We have the Roman denomination, claiming to be the “true Church” yet acting like a harlot to Her Groom, Jesus Christ. How does Rome condone the practice of shifting on priests who have violated children? How convenient. You give the paedophile a brand new field from which to glean. What an absolutely abominable practice!! Then we would ask, “Why does Rome disapprove of homosexuality publically, but condone and cover it privately?” (See: Glennon; Hinch) Why is Rome partaking of dialogue with the Uniting Club (apologies, but I refuse to use the word “Church” in reference to this organisation), when said club openly supports homosexuality? (See: What we do) Then there is the really obvious question, “Why have not the Protestant Church at large and the evangelical element of Rome, motivated by a genuine love for Jesus, been vehement and clamorous in their denunciation of the apostate and abominable?”

In the almost forgotten words of Derryn Hinch, Shame! Shame! Shame!

The State:

In the similarly, almost forgotten, words of Pro Hart’s maid, “What a mess! Mr Hart.”

The Church’s failure to govern and discipline has led us now to a dark day in which the government will begin to troll through the Church looking for evil. Thankfully, we can rely on Julia Gillard’s unbiased position to assure us that there are no ulterior motives. We can equally trust to Julia Gillard’s expertise as a lawyer to obey due process and to be sure to exact justice where wrong is found. We can be thankful that this unbiased approach will not lead to the Church being held to ransom or placed under State control. We can be very thankful that the worship of God will go on unhindered and that Jesus Christ will be extolled with the State’s assistance.

I am sure of these things because we live in a “free” country that upholds the “rule of law” and respects to the utmost the democratic process. I am also buoyed by the fact that the government is always open and transparent. Equally, those in power have often affirmed the separation of Church and State, and would therefore, being honourable people, never, under any circumstances, abuse their power and wrongly intrude upon the Church.

Have you stopped laughing yet?

The reality is more like: the government will assume the mantle of ‘the teacher of righteousness’; it will profess to be the all wise and knowing oracle guiding us as though lost children; it will be to us our “superman”, who brings truth, justice, and the “Australian way”; it will deny Jesus, seek to set us free from the myths of religion all the while proclaiming itself as “saviour”; transparency will become universally opaque; State will walk all over Church; and, pathetically, true justice will never be served or realised.

In the Essence of War, we wrote about man having only two heartfelt motives: love for God or hatred of God. Governments are correspondingly ruled by this principle. According to Romans 13, the government is a minister of God. As such, it should be revered and honoured. However, as with every other institution, it can be corrupted. This happens when the government turns from its appointed function and becomes enamoured with its own reflection. By this we mean that the government is corrupt or becomes corrupt when it turns from being a Christ-serving institution to a self-serving institution.

The whole debate over the separation of Church and State is one that is muddied and sullied precisely because it is debated on the terms of the secular humanist. In reality, the Church and the State are two sides to one coin. Both are ministers of God. Both are obligated to obey God. Both fall under God’s judgement when due obedience is withheld or scorned. Both, and this may surprise you, are on the same erroneous page when discussing each other’s relevance. Therefore, both, in disobedience to God, have brought us to a very sad day.

I would like to quote from the original words the Westminster Divines: “The civil magistrate may not assume to himself the administration of the word and sacraments, or the power of the keys of the kingdom: yet he hath authority, and it is his duty, to take order, that unity and peace be preserved in the church, that the truth of God be kept pure and entire, that all blasphemies and heresies be suppressed, all corruptions and abuses in worship and discipline prevented and reformed, and all the ordinances of God duly settled, administered, and observed (23:3).”

I introduce this by saying “original” words because in most denominations that hold to the Westminster Confession as a standard, these words have been changed. They now generally read like this: “Civil magistrates may not assume to themselves the administration of the Word and sacraments; or the power of the keys of the kingdom of heaven; or, in the least, interfere in the matters of faith. Yet, as nursing fathers, it is the duty of civil magistrates to protect the Church of our common Lord, without giving the preference to any denomination of Christians above the rest, in such a manner that all ecclesiastical persons whatever shall enjoy the full, free, and unquestioned liberty of discharging every part of their sacred functions, without violence or danger. And, as Jesus Christ hath appointed a regular government and discipline in his Church, no law of any commonwealth should interfere with, let, or hinder, the due exercise thereof, among the voluntary members of any denomination of Christians, according to their own profession and belief. It is the duty of civil magistrates to protect the person and good name of all their people, in such an effectual manner as that no person be suffered, either upon pretence of religion or of infidelity, to offer any indignity, violence, abuse, or injury to any other person whatsoever: and to take order, that all religious and ecclesiastical assemblies be held without molestation or disturbance.”

The difference here should be patent. The first places the magistrate (government) firmly into a position as an ordained instrument of God. Its purpose is none other than to make sure that the truth of God revealed in His word is upheld. Moreover, it is to make sure that the Church, tasked by Christ as herald, maintains both truth and proclamation. Note well, the government is tasked with both purpose and standard, and they are singular.

By distinction, when you look at the second reference, we are introduced to pluralism, denominationalism, and confusion. The Divines knew that Church and State were governed by one and the same law being derived from one and the same God. Therefore, they could state positively the role of the magistrate without surrounding it in quid pro quos, sine qua nons, and a list of caveats as long as the proverbial “arm”!

When parts of the Church rejected the original wording of the Divines and substituted words like those above, they evidenced the infiltration of both pietism and pluralism. They began to see the world divided into secular and sacred, worldly and spiritual. Truth was not any longer One. It was now divided. The government was forced to realise that God was divided and that He spoke with a forked tongue – a blasphemy! Like all falsehoods, this process brought forth consequences. First, you see the Church adopting and acquiescing to the concept that Church and State are to be divided. (Granted it is not as extreme as the view of today, but it is there in seminal form.) Second, we see that the strong language about heresy, worship, blasphemy, and reform, smelt down to trite words about “protecting the Church”. With these steps taken, it was only a short walk before there was a total disintegration of the concept.

Consequently, we arrive at today. The government is apostate. It is totally committed to the God-hating Humanist agenda. It is so to its own shame. However, the Church must realise the part it has played in this. Instead of working with government as an equal and rightly sharing their spheres of sovereignty as ordained by God, the Church seems to have insisted on an arm wrestle to the death, winner-take-all type policy. The result of which was the active encouragement of government to become apostate and to, in disobedience to its call, accrue total power to itself.


We are facing a dark day because the Church has been Biblically ignorant for too long! We have allowed too many falsehoods to arise and become entrenched. As we have shown, the Church has shifted ground and has thereby played its part in the secularising of the government. The Church has helped solidify the concept of the separation of Church and State by its unBiblical stance. Moreover, it has helped in the apostatising of governments by further allowing the concept – that God can be divorced from government – to take hold.

The Church has, for far too long, refused to call its own to account on atrocities such as the homosexual predation of children. It has been evident to all that there have been serious and protracted allegations with little evidence of justice for those wronged or a cessation to the practices involved. Again, the root cause is nothing less than failing to love Jesus Christ. Jesus welcomed the little children. We have abandoned them to wolves. “Jesus, please, forgive us – open our eyes and let our hearts burn with love for You that we may act!”

Now, because of this lack of action, the Church is faced with the prospect of a God-hating government forcing itself upon the Church, or parts thereof, with a view to bringing its form of justice. The irony should be obvious to all:

A. The State that tells the Church to “but out” of its affairs for there is no correlation or overlap between the two spheres is now going to “but in” to the Church!

B. The State that affirms homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle, in contradistinction to the Church, now wants to purge the Church of homosexuals and homosexual predation!

C. The State that affirms the rights of “sex offenders” to live in public without being declared, now wants to name and shame “sex offenders” within the Church and other institutions!

D. The State that affirms the rights of people to indulge in homosexuality and other perversions in the privacy of their own residences now wants to declare that Church residences are open to scrutiny!

E. The State that writes and polices the law which bind the Church, like “working with children” legislation, now needs to be investigated because its policing has failed.

The sticking point for this author is to be found in the fact that the government is being totally hypocritical at least as far as investigations into the Church are concerned.

The congregation of Rome needs to be held to account and they need to reform, of this there is no doubt. However, the same can be said of our government. Rome betrayed Christ by turning from His service to self-service. Our government has betrayed Christ in exactly the same manner. The government has refused its calling to be a servant of God and has become self-serving. As such, it could well be argued that they have forfeited any and all authority as well as the right to govern.

When Rome turned her back on Christ and turned to humanism, people suffered. Children today are still suffering. Is our government any different? No. People are suffering through unjust taxation; laws that give the criminal rights and privilege; the gagging of free speech; the foolish notion of “multiculturalism”, and many things beside. What of the children? The children surely suffer. It is estimated, conservatively, that as a nation we abort about 80,000 children per year. Rome, with all her perversions, added together with all other institutional abuses, could not come close to the numbers set by our government. This is without raising all the other harms inflicted upon people by poor and unrighteous government.

Then we must consider the track record of governments when it comes to justice. It is appalling. I am always sceptical of the government when it sets out on these tasks because they have a history of failure. Years ago, a little chap by the name of Daniel was killed in Victoria. He was abused. In the light of his death, all the weirdos climbed out of their holes and began demanding that the government ban smacking; that they label smacking as “abuse”, and so on. The simple and sad reality, which later came to light, was that every government agency that could know, did know about the situation in which this little chap lived. What was the outcome? They sat on their hands and let him die. In this, the government has more blood on their hands, in regard to child abuse, than any mentioned in this blog. It has always been their obligation to pursue and prosecute abusers of all shapes, sizes, and religions. Whilst the Church at large may share guilt for not speaking out more loudly, She has never had the power and authority to prosecute paedophiles. That is the right and obligation of the State.

Last, we must wonder what sort of investigation we are going to endure. As noted above, people and governments are motivated by one of two heartfelt motives – love for God or hatred of God. Our government hates God. It has shown this by its apostasy and by its continued anger with Christianity. I for one, therefore, would truly like to know what the “Terms of Reference” will be in the final analysis. I am also concerned that there is talk of this Royal Commission lasting as long as ten years. I would also like to know that the timing of this Commission has nothing to do with an upcoming election in which the Leader of the Opposition belongs to the Congregation of Rome. Is this Commission the “real deal”, a political stunt, or some combination of the two? In our opening, we used the term “true child abuse”. This was used purposely because there are proponents in government who would label many things as “abuse” that in reality are not. Are we going to be subjected to altered and spurious definitions in what turns out to be, not a quest for justice, but one more attempt by a humanist government to rid itself of the last remnants of true Christianity?

In short, kiddie fiddlers must be dealt with; but so must all the relevant sources and issues. One cannot look at abuses in Roman institutions, or any other for that matter, without looking at the issue of sexuality, homosexuality, justice, corruption, and other perversions. Likewise, I have not heard anything yet in regard to penology.  The Church needs to repent of its acquiescence to false ideas and its silence on subjects like child abuse. She needs to regain the Biblical perspective on a good many issues, amongst which is calling the government to fulfil its genuine God given task. As to the government, the hypocrisy must cease. Our government is out of control. It has become a juggernaut. It must be reformed or it will implode. Thus, it is not really in any position to be pointing out the failures of others.

Deuteronomy 24:7, quoted above, ends with the words, “so you shall purge evil from among you”. Our nation needs purging. The kiddie fiddlers need to be purged; but what of all the other evils? What is overlooked is that the task of purging our nation belongs to both the Church and the State. They are to approach this subject in unity; they are to act together; and they are to do so according to God’s standards as His instruments.

Bring on true justice! Bring on the purge that will expel evil from our nation! Oh, glorious day! Before that day is reached, however, there must be the realisation that both Church and State are crippled by essentially the same sin; they have together turned or are turning their backs on the God who instituted them, called them, and equipped them!

What is needed in our day is swift punitive justice throughout our whole land against all evils; the voice of God thundered from pulpits pointing out these evils and condemning; not a protracted investigation that is little more than an ecclesiastical ‘witch hunt’.

The Slippery Slope (Pt. 1): Homosexuality to Polygamy

Due to the work of Peter Stokes and his merry band at Saltshakers, I became aware of a debate that is beginning regarding the “Slippery Slope!” As most are aware, Australia is in the throes of debating the issue and legitimacy of homosexual marriage. This has led some, in particular the social commentator Andrew Bolt, to question where we may end up if homosexual marriage is passed into law. Once we step upon the Slippery Slope, what will be our terminus? Typically, those who disagree with the rightly concerned come forth with the classic, hackneyed drivel and proceed to label their opponents as “scaremongers”, “panic merchants”, “the ill-informed”, and a number of less flattering terms. As I was well ‘edumacated’ in playground politics, I know that sticks and stones may do a little damage, but names are of no consequence. In point of fact, life has taught me that when your opponent must resort to name-calling, he no longer has anything legitimate to say. Thus, we must not be distracted from the question by name-calling and labelling.

Our priority must be to address the concerns raised. Will the acceptance of homosexual marriage lead to polygamy? The very real and simple answer to this specific question is: We must wait and see! The more categorical answer is: Be absolutely convinced that this change of legislation will open the door further, if not remove and discard it altogether, and allow all types of relationships to walk through! That is an absolute given. The only question is, “In what guise shall they be?”

I would like to discuss this topic and prove the point by looking at the whole concept of the Slippery Slope under three headings; Rednecks, Marriage, and Relativism.

1. Rednecks: First, let me note that I do not care for this term. I use it because it has been popularised and invokes an immediate and vivid picture in a person’s mind. Second, I am one. By the world’s standards, I am a misogynist, redneck, homophobic, right-wing, religious fundamentalist. Personally, I prefer the term “Biblical”!

Anyway, we country folk grew up accustomed to having firearms in or around our general vicinity. This was normal. No panic. No big deal. Then as the world progressed, such activities became frowned upon. The governments began to steal legitimate items owned by law abiding citizens. Naturally, some people objected. They made cogent arguments regarding the right to defend themselves and the foolishness of disarming the general populace in case our country found itself at war or being invaded. Naturally, these cogent arguments were met with solid, well–researched replies that went something along the lines of “Na na Na na na; Conspiracy theorist!” When those being robbed pointed out that there was a small Muslim country to our north that was vastly populated and who may, one day, desire to expand their living room, the replies came in the form of scorn and ridicule.

Anyway, the scorn and ridicule continued for quite a while. Today, I do not hear this scorn and ridicule. The vociferous voices have grown strangely quiet. Why is this? What changed? Did people all of a sudden come to understand that firearm ownership was legitimate? Did the government realise that it had overstepped the bounds of its legitimate power? No, nothing so heartening. What happened? Listen closely and I shall tell you a tale. ‘In the year of our Lord, 2001, Osama gave up on using a gun; for a more sinister plan in his head had begun. Fly planes in to Towers, ‘Yes! That is a plan!’ Planes into towers, reducing them to rubble, to dust, and to sand! When the dust and the smoke had settled that day, three thousand souls had been taken away. In the year of our Lord, 2002, the terrorists Paddy’s bar in Bali they blew; Killing bystanders, tourists, and folk, who had gathered for naught but a drink and a joke. In this much smaller and lesser display, still two hundred souls were taken away. In the year of our Lord, 2005, other acts of terror for which they did strive; this time in London and Bali once more, people did see the blood and the gore. Suicide bombers had mounted attacks from which sixty odd souls would never come back! Here in Australia the grief you could see, for all of these events impacted on We.’

What changed? People received what we colloquially call a reality check!” In this instance, the term “reality check” may be a misnomer. For, in essence, nothing concerning reality had changed. People had simply been woken up to the potential that had been present all along. Scorn and ridicule ceased because we were made to see that we were vulnerable. The Enlightenment view of man as the noble savage and the modern view of man as polite and always seeking his neighbour’s welfare were shattered in an instant.

Lesson One: You must look not at what was or is, but at what may be! It is to look not at reality as we know it, but at potentiality.

2. Marriage: The lesson of potentiality is clearly seen when we take marriage as an example. Marriage is given and designed by God and it is to be between a man and a woman. When we look at marriage over the last century, what we see is the Slippery Slope in operation. Slowly, but surely, marriage was redefined. Its absolute nature as God framed it was eroded and this happened in many forms. The first was the removal of God as the definer of man and marriage. I wrote recently to my local Federal Member on the issue of homosexual marriage. Her response was confusing, but enlightening. She started by saying how proud she was of the many homosexual causes that she had supported. Then came the back-flip and the statement that she did not support homosexual marriage, because marriage was traditionally between a man and a woman. What tradition? Where is the cosmic law of “traditions” written down? It is traditional only in so far as it was authored by God, designed into man, and, therefore, innately drives man in that direction. This alone explains why cultures all over the globe honour marriage.

Once the absolute had gone and marriage became a “human” tradition, the brakes were released and the slide began. Past and present did not matter. The key was potential. Having begun the slide, ‘What would be the terminus?’ Thus, divorce was modified. As marriage was no longer based upon God’s word, so the grounds for divorce also shifted from those stated in His Word to those accepted in the traditions of men. We were also introduced to “de facto” relationships. Just as society wanted “fast food” and food without substance – no sugar, fat, or taste, that is, food without consequence – so we were given mass produced marriage without substance or consequence. Last came the rewriting of vows, not based in the Covenant Law of God, strong and binding, but based in the emotions of men; weak, insipid, and transient. We no longer pledge to love for life; we pledge to hang around while we experience an emotion called ‘love’ – whatever that may be? (A change from what “I can give” to what “I can get!)

Lesson Two: We must understand history. When our forefathers changed the definition of marriage, did they believe it would ever lead to homosexual marriage? We would be fools to believe that this issue of homosexual marriage is the first to ever threaten the Biblical definition. It is not. Each of the things mentioned above laid another stepping stone in the path that brought us to this point. Homosexual marriage, if approved, will simply be one more stone leading further from God and broadening the acceptance of things once thought impossible.

3. Relativism: As we know, we live in a Postmodern word. A world without truth. A world where all is relative and there are no absolutes. Did this state of affairs simply materialise from nowhere? Not at all. There were a string of events. The Enlightenment, Rationalism, and Modernity. Stated differently, “Kill God!”, “Think without Revelation!”, and “Oops, is anybody there?” All of these regressions made our society susceptible to disease, just like a weakened immune system in a body. In the context of marriage and the Slippery Slope, let us look at one example: “The Family Law Act 1975 established the principle of no-fault divorce in Australian law. This means that a court does not consider why the marriage ended. The only ground for divorce is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably. That is, that there is no reasonable likelihood that you will get back together.” Do you see the shift? God’s word outlines fault. God demands justice even in marriage. However, the Family Law Court has a no-fault policy. A law court without justice!!?? There are no innocent parties, declared so at the bar of justice, free to marry again unmarred and unsullied. No, there are just casualties – people whose social contracts failed. The adulterer is free. There are no consequences for the wandering party. It is like a morning after pill for marriage!

Conclusion: If homosexual marriage is approved, it will certainly make polygamy more likely. However, understand well, that polygamy may well be on the cards even if homosexual marriage is rejected. The point is this: By rejecting God’s standards, we have already put in place the mechanisms to utterly destroy the concept of marriage we have all known Biblically or traditionally. The door is open. Anything is now possible. The “potentiality” for this began with the rejection of God as Supreme Law Giver!