Conservatism and an Election Year

Good day Reformers,

 I have been moved to forward to you the following link:

 It features Jerry Johnson from Nicene Council. He is speaking on Conservatism in the political arena. Yes, he is an American. Yes, it reflects the American scene. Nonetheless, it is salient, relevant, and poignant. I well understand that many Australians have an aversion to American politics. For the most part, I share that aversion. However, truth knows no bounds and if we are able to learn something from one crumbling system that may help us save ours, then it seems to me that we should “listen and learn”.

 We have long held that here in Australia we have two political parties representing two distinct views. Of these, the Liberal Party has been seen as the conservative party. Therefore, many Christians are drawn to vote for those candidates who stand under the Liberal flag. Yet, we have reason for pause. Is the Liberal Party really a conservative party? In terms of the previous question, ‘What does conservative mean?’

 Recent events must cause us to question, along with our brother Jerry, just what we hope to gain through mere conservatism. Recently, I saw former Liberal Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, interviewed. Again, he noted that he resigned from the Liberal Party because it had become too conservative and had lost the original aim of its founder. He asserted that the Liberal Party had always been intended to be “liberal” — forward looking and progressive with a willingness to experiment.

 When we hear things like this, I know that it helps me make sense of the Australian landscape. On at least two occasions, the Liberal Party has been given the majority in both Houses. The Australian people have voted for Conservatism and has been given a travesty. This explains why on these occasions there were no significant changes made or decisions taken to reverse trends of immorality and ungodliness.

 These claims must also be weighed in light of the supposedly “conservative” modern Liberal Party. Where is this conservatism? Malcolm Turnbull is por same-sex marriage. My local Liberal MP, though voting against homosexual marriage, is nonetheless proud of her support and achievements as far as homosexual rights is concerned. Will a Liberal government ban abortion? Will a Liberal government give us Justice? Will a Liberal government overhaul the Family Court? Will a Liberal government abolish de facto relationships; change divorce laws; re-establish parental rights; etc., etc?

 Part of our problem is the term “conservative”. A Conservative has always been viewed as one who would uphold “traditional” values. What we do not want to admit is that this conservatism is nothing less than Biblicism. It is in the Law-Word of God, the Bible, that we find all of these so-called traditional values. Thus understood, we must realise that as these conservatives drift further from a fundamental, Biblical, belief in God and His Christ, the less willing and able they will be to implement Christ’s principles.

Therefore, a godless party can never be a conservative party. They can masquerade. They can ride on coattails, but they will never truly be conservative in the sense of maintaining or reforming to the Biblical norm.

To borrow Jerry’s term – Brethren, in this election year, please think well upon it!

Note: This blog was originally circulated as an email. It has been posted because its relevance has increased since it was sent. The vote by the New Zealand parliament to acquiesce to the “homosexual agenda” has seen that particular fire fuelled once more in this country. Notably, we have had several more “liberal” leaders in the shape of Barry O’Farrel and Colin Barnett come out in support of homosexual marriage. So, if you live in NSW or WA it is now clear, if there was any doubt, that you do not have a conservative government. You have outright humanism under a different flag. Having said that, the simple reality is, as the email states, there simply is not a truly conservative party amongst the major political parties in this land.

Please think about this as we come to an election. As a Christian, you are obliged to vote for righteousness, not the party dad supported. Do not vote for one mob just because you dislike the other. Vote wisely. Vote righteously. Today, this means pray, pray a lot!

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