A Battle Plan (Pt. 4)

D. The Biblical view: When these threads are pulled together we are faced with the consistent Biblical picture in regard to Christian Warfare:

  • Lesson 1: Our warfare is Spiritual. It is powered by the Holy Spirit. The battle cannot be effectively engaged or won when clothed in any other power.
  • Lesson 2. Our warfare is spiritual. It involves powers and authorities in the heavenly. On both sides.
  • Lesson 3. Our warfare is fleshy. We are engaged in this battle as man. We oppose other men. We must act in the corporeal against the corporeal.
  • Lesson 4. Our warfare is fleshy, not fleshly. It is of man as man, not of man as sinful man; though we oppose sinful man. Harking back to Paul, our warfare is fought in the flesh, not according to the flesh.
  • Lesson 5. Our warfare, of necessity, involves action on our part. There is no warfare if the soldiers do not break camp! As with Israel, so it is with the Church. The soldiers must mobilise even though they fight for and under Yahweh.

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